How many power sockets are required?
Providing you do not intend to plug any further heavy loads into the control station, the Party Marquee package just requires 1 x 13A power socket ideally within 30 metres of the control station.
How long does it take to setup?
Setup is usually completed in 2 phases, the marquee is typically setup 1-3 days before the event and takes about 4 hours. The sound and lighting equipment is installed usually 1 day before the event and takes about 2 hours. Collection is also typically completed in 2 phases, 1-3 days after the event.
Do you have other size marquees available?
Yes, the 6m by 6m marquee is only a suggested size to enable us to give you an online price. The marquees come in 3m, 6m, 9m and 12m spans, and generally any length in multiples of 1.5m.
Can you install the marquee on concrete/tarmac/paving?
It is possible but we prefer to find other solutions. Please contact us for more information on this.
Does the system connect via Bluetooth?
No, we supply an aux cable that connects into the mini-jack headphone port on your device.
Does the package come with DJ decks?
No, but you can hire these as an additional extra. We have a selection of DJ decks available.